Sermon Library

Shepherd King Dane Justis Shepherd King Dane Justis

Walking in God’s Favor | 1 Samuel 18

Find out how to walk in line with God as we dive into the story of Saul's downfall and David's triumph in 1 Samuel 18. Through this chapter, we'll learn the importance of living under God's control and what it means to focus on His kingdom first.

Here's what we'll unpack:

1️⃣ What happens when our hearts aren't in the right place.

2️⃣ What happens when we choose to live full of faith and victory, guided by God's favor.

3️⃣ How we can align our lives with God's will and walk confidently in His strength.

Don't miss out on this message that's all about challenging ourselves to walk closer with God and experience His grace in a whole new way.

We can't wait to explore God's Word together with you!

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Shepherd King Dane Justis Shepherd King Dane Justis

Faith & Focus | 1 Samuel 18:1-16

In this message on 1 Samuel 18:1-16, we unravel the powerful dynamics between focus and faith, as illustrated through the lives of Saul, Jonathan, and David. Despite being confronted with rivalry and obstacles, their responses reveal profound truths about where our focus should lie.

Saul's downward spiral continues due to his refusal to repent and his self-centered focus, which blinds him to God's will. In contrast, Jonathan's unwavering focus on God allows him to embrace David as God's chosen, fostering an unexpected bond of love and loyalty.

David, guided by his trust in God's plan, exemplifies a life lived fully surrendered to God's will. His steadfast focus on serving God above all else brings blessings and favor even amidst adversity.

Join us as we explore these lessons:

  • The dangers of self-focus and the importance of aligning our focus with God's will.

  • The transformative power of love, loyalty, and submission to God's sovereignty in our relationships.

  • How trusting in God's plan empowers us to navigate challenges with grace and resilience.

Don't miss this message that will equip you to shift our focus from ourselves to God, seeking His kingdom above all else in every aspect of our lives.

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Shepherd King Dane Justis Shepherd King Dane Justis

Slaying Goliath | 1 Samuel 17:1-58

Experience the power of faith over fear in our latest sermon focusing on 1 Samuel 17:1-58.

We unpack the timeless story of David and Goliath. While Goliath may have struck fear into the hearts of many, David's unyielding confidence in God led him to victory.

In this message, we'll explore three pivotal points:

  1. The imposing presence of Goliath contrasted with David's unwavering faith.

  2. The importance of blocking out distractions and walking in confidence.

  3. The inevitable defeat of giants when we surrender to God's control.

Don't miss this message that will equip you to face your giants with faith.

If you're in Torrance, CA, come be a part of our community every Sunday at 10:30AM at 2501 W 237th St, Ste A. Our mission is to grow fully devoted followers of Jesus who serve as God's connection points to those around us.

Find out more about who we are and connect with us:

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Shepherd King Dane Justis Shepherd King Dane Justis

Prioritize Worship | 1 Samuel 16:14-23

We're jumping into 1 Samuel 16:14-24, digging deep into what worship is all about and how it shapes our lives.

In this chapter, we see Saul's self-centered worship leading to chaos, while David's God-centered approach brings him favor and blessings. David's humble service sets him apart from Saul's self-serving ways.

Join us as we unpack why our worship matters so much. Tune in to grasp how our choices impact our relationship with God and what genuine service really looks like.

Don't miss out – hit play and let's explore together!

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Shepherd King Dane Justis Shepherd King Dane Justis

God’s Choice | 1 Samuel 16:1-12

We're starting a new series, Shepherd King, learning from the life of David. Dive into 1 Samuel with us and explore the theme of obedience and the heart's alignment with God's Word. Discover the contrast between Saul's self-reliance and David's obedience to God's commands.

As we unpack these biblical truths, we'll understand how obedience fuels our relationship with God and shapes our faith journey. Don't miss this powerful message that speaks to both Christians and seekers alike. Tune in for encouragement, reflection, and inspiration!

Encouragement for Today:

Whether you're feeling strong in your faith or facing doubts, this message is a reminder that God is with us every step of the way. Let's find encouragement together as we delve into Scripture and seek to live out God's truth in our lives.

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